SINETZ Program features
The graphical user interface SINETZ is the pre- and postprocessor of SINETZ. All inputs can be made using SINETZ.
A wide range of control functions enables the user to check the input data easily. All results can be displayed and checked, reports are generated.
For a detailed presentation please refer to the SINETZ feature list and the SINETZ tutorial.
System and load case input
The system has to be divided into pipe sections. A pipe section consists of a pipe segment with a constant diameter without branches. The calculation parameters are entered by means of a graphical interface. The system geometry is drawn by the mouse, additional values like segments lengths, node height, components and boundary conditions are added by dialog windows and mouse input.
The program user is supported by integrated expan¬dable databases. The program determines the resistance coefficients for some components basing on the geometry and flow state.
The inputs are shown graphically including different symbols for instruments. Additionally symbols of instruments and vessels can be defined and stored in the component database.
Various operating states of the system may be simulated by load case input.
Critical levels (treshold), e.g. for the flow velocity, can be defined to be used in the results representation. Nearly any result distribution can be shown in colors.
General features
- SINETZ calculates models with up to 15.000 pipes and up to 15.000 nodes.
- SINETZ allows the parallel definition and calculation of several load cases which reduces the calculation time significantly in many cases.
- Plausibility of input data is checked and detailed error messages are provided
- An online help is available
- Selectable unit for flow input/output of various mass flows may be m³/h, kg/s or t/h.
- Selectable unit for pressure can be bar, mbar and Pa (pre-defined).
- Any units can be defined by the user
- Pre-definied settings for new projects
- Individual assignment of mouse functions like zoom, pan and rotate
- UnDO and ReDO functions
- A context menu allows to access often or last used commands
- Design of 2D- and 3D-Models.
- Import of piping models from CAD systems
- Graphical input of the entire pipe network by mouse. Additional parameters like segments lengths, node heights, components and boundary conditions inserted in dialog windows or selected by mouse.
- DXF import, CSV import
- Any cross sections of pipes may be analyzed. At circular or rectangular cross the outer diameter and wall thickness are entered (or height and width, inside). Other cross sections require the input of the hydraulic diameter and the equivalent circular diameter.
- Alternative editing of data in lists.
- Automatic creation of node and segment names (may be changed by the user).
- Pipe names can be assigned to segments.
- Pipe names may be used for assigning data and checking input parameters.
- Regions can be defined and named, e.g. „existing system“, „news system“. Segments may be assigned to several regions.
Zeta values
- The zeta value at reducers/expansions, orifices, branches, tees, y-pipes and bends can be determined by the program and must not be entered by the user. The zeta value is calculated basing on the geometry and the flow state.
- Resistance values at instruments/ components may be inserted as zeta- or kV -values.
- The Zeta-values/ kV -values are represented by symbols.
- Different symbols for the representation of instrument are available.
- Zeta values of instruments may be taken from a user expandable database.
- If the norm zeta values in the database depend on nominal diameter, the norm zeta value of an instrument is adjusted automatically after changes in dimension.
- Non-return valves with given flow direction may be inserted. Depending on the flow direction the program opens or closes the gate.
- Pressure reducers with a defined outlet pressure can be inserted.
- Zeta values can be defined independent of velocity, volume flow or mass flow.
- Regulation valves can be defined by the given mass flow
Pumps/ fans
- Pumps /fans are defined by their curves and shown by symbols.
- The pump curves can be taken from the user expandable database.
- Pumps /fans can be activated d depending on load cases.
- Pump speed and impeller diameter can be inserted depending on load cases. The pump curve is adapted to the load case by iteration.
- The NPSH value at pumps is checked automatically if the required parameters have been defined at the pump input.
- For speed-controlled pumps, the required pump speed can be determined by specifying the desired operating point.
- Vessels with individually defined connection points can be placed into the model. Each connection point can be completed by an additional zeta value.
- The internal connection between connection points can be made individually. This can be used for example to simulate two independent circuits inside a heat exchanger.
- Input of the insulation of free-laid pipes and buried pipes with circular cross section.
- A temperature depending coefficient of thermal conduction can be entered for the insulation
- The coefficients of thermal conductivity can be defined for pipes, insulations, insulation jackets and for the soil at buried pipes.
Various inputs
- SINETZ enables to insert sprinklers into a piping system.
- Resistance and back pressure can now be specified for nozzles (sprinklers) as an alternative to the sprinkler constant
- Various text and graphic files (*.jpg, *.bmp, metafile, or *.dxf) can be inserted for documentation purposes
- Texts can be assigned to groups. Control visibility of text groups
- Descriptions of nodes and segments are shown as individual text blocks
- Insertion of a background image. It can be used to generate a piping model by tracing a scaled isometric
- By means of a symbol editor program additional symbols can be created and stored in a database. Zeta values can be added to these symbols, too.
- The symbol editor module enables to add vessels with individually designed connection points can be created and stored in a database.
Load cases
Simulation of different operation states in the system
Each operation state requires the definition of one load case. One medium per load case is defined.
- Pressure, temperature, medium, inputs and outputs can be entered load case dependent to simulate various operation states. under the condition that the system is not over- or under determined
- Pumps and fans can be switched on/off depending on load cases
- Load case dependent input and output of energy flows at nodes.
- Resistance coefficients or pressure drop at components/instruments may be entered load case dependent. This is used to cut off parts of the system for the simulation of various operating states.
- Load case dependent input of environment conditions like wind velocity, ambient temperature or soil temperature.
SINETZ databases and media
Databases may be edited by means of dialog windows or by an ASCII-Editor.
The following data can be taken from SINETZ databases:
- Pipe dimensions
- Reducer dimensions
- Pipe texture
- Insulation data
- Zeta- /kV -values of instruments
- Pump curves, fan curves
- Gas values (gases and gas mixtures)
- Media
A mass import function by csv files is available for pump data.
Available dimension files can be stored as templates. This is used to define frequently used dimension records ( e.g. from piping class) for further use in new projects.
Diese Medien stehen in SINETZ zur Verfügung:
- Water - The steam table acc. to IAPWS 1997 is implemented
- steam
- Constant fluids
- Temperature depending fluids
- Pressure depending fluids
- Any gases
- Gas mixture
- Flue gas
- Air
- Helium
- Methane
- Nitrogene
The calculation output is shown graphically and in tables. The result parameters to be shown in the graphic can be selected manually. Detailed results are shown by a double-click on the node or segment.
Data protection
- The automatic backup function saves the last five revisions of the piping model automatically.
- The automatic backup now is part of the project directory when storing into the subdirectory "_AUTOSAVE_"
- The backup command enables to write the project data additionally, e.g. into a network drive.
Results and documentation
- Output of the results in English or German.
- All results are shown graphically and in tables. An output file in ASCII format is created.
- The input of an alternative company logo or text field makes it easier to work on commission orders.
- The graphical representation of the results at nodes and segments may be controlled by the user.
- Parameters of nodes and segments to be shown in the graphic can be selected by the user.
- Results at nodes and segments can be shown as a tooltip using the properties commands. The content to be shown can be defined by the user.
- Critical velocities are represented in colors.
- Critical parameters like flow velocity, mass flow, pressure drop or heat loss can be represented in results tables.
- Graphical representation of node heights
- Graphical representation of pressure curve
- Show any result of node sequences in a graphic chart. Also the representation of several types of results in one diagram, e.g. static pressure and total pressure, is possible.
- Results diagrams can be part of the standard documentation as well as of the user defined calculation report.
- Graphical representation of temperature curve.
- Output of the graphics on printer or large-format printer (plotter), into the clipboard or into the file formats metafile or DXF.
- Pipelines, individual views and regions can be printed on single sheets pf paper
Documents , tables
- SINETZ includes an automatic report generation.
- The SINETZ report generation module creates a calculation report including input data and results on the basis of factory templates or user defined samples including input data and results
- Export of output files in pdf or rtf format with user defined headers and footers
- The results at nodes and segments may be listed. The list may be filtered, sorted and stored in rtf, html or txt (ASCII) format.
- New report function creating a standard documentation basing on templates (factory templates) to be used to calculation reports
- Export of comprehensive calculation results to office programs (e.g. MS Word) basing on standard templates in addition to the standard output functions
- A documentation summarizing the results over all load cases for specified nodes and components
Results output
Results at pipe segments
- the sum of zeta values in the segment
- flow rate and direction
- velocity
- friction coefficient Lambda
- Reynolds' number
- Changes in pressure
- Changes in temperature
- Wall temperature of the insulation (not for SINETZfluid)
Results at nodes
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Total inflow and outflow·
- Density and viscosity of the medium
- Enthalpy
- NPSH available
The results also can be displayed at every segment of the node (cross sections). This can be used for the interpretation of results at nodes with velocity changes where velocity changes have an effect on the static pressure before and after the node.
Optional können die Ergebnisse auf allen Abschnitten des Knotens (Schnittergebnisse) angezeigt werden. Dies erleichtert die Beurteilung von Ergebnissen z.B. an Knoten mit Querschnittsänderungen, bei denen sich durch die Geschwindigkeitsänderung ein unterschiedlicher statischer Druck vor und nach dem Knoten ergibt.
Results at heat exchangers
Results at heat exchangers considering the analyzed mass flow
- input pressure considering the pressure loss given by the heat exchanger
- output pressure considering the pressure loss given by the heat exchanger
- difference in pressure considering the pressure loss given by the heat exchanger
- required mass flow
- input temperature
Calculation of pressure and heat loss in district heating networks
District heating pipes
The district heating module extends the capabilities of SINETZ by several options:
- In case of incompressible media the required mass flow is calculated at heat exchangers
- The return system is created automatically basing on the parameters of the flow.
- The flow and the returning system may be shown separately.
- The input- and output pressure and temperatures at heat exchangers are checked.
Inputs and results
- The inputs at heat exchangers are:
- energy flow, output temperature and return node. - To check the pressure at the heat exchanger, the pressure loss of the heat exchanger may be entered.
- The program analyzes the required mass flow by means of the heat exchanger parameters and the results at the input node.
- The pressure and temperature results are checked. An error message occurs, in case of not allowable pressure or temperatures.
- The output file includes the results at heat exchangers.
Program version and system requirements:
The district heating module is part of the SINETZ single user /network license.
Sales Team and Downloads
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SIGMA Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Bertha-von-Suttner-Allee 19
D-59423 Unna