EN-/DIN material databases (FEZEN)
The material database FEZEN provides material properties for metallic materials for standardized materials acc. DIN- and EN-Material-Codes/Standards:
- Approximately 1.500 sheets containing material reference data basing on standard data of the EN material codes. Material data deviating from the above standards (revaluation or devaluation) are taken into account in line with EN 12952, EN 13480, EN 13445 and the AD-2000 and TRD codes.
- Approximately 700 material sheets with materials reference data based mainly on standard data of the DIN codes, but also on data of VdTÜV or SEW sheets. Material data deviating from the above standards (revaluation or devaluation) is considered following AD-2000 and TRD codes.
The EN-/DIN-database is used by the PROBAD-EN modules EN 12952, EN 13480, EN 13445, EN 1591, EN-DIN-pipe series, national codes calculation modules AD-2000 and TRD, as well as modules WRC 107, WRC 297 for the internal determination of relevant material values. That´s why it is recommended to order a license of the EN-/DIN database together with the calculation modules.
Additionally a comparison of the new European material names according to EN 10027 and the old designations according to DIN 17006 and 17007 is available.
The material database FEZEN is revised permanently by SIGMA. Annual updates provide the latest strength values.
FEZEN information system for EN and DIN materials
The PROBAD module "FEZEN information system" provides the interactive use of the material databases for EN- and DIN-materials and is even working independent of PROBAD calculation modules. The program is used to recall material properties (individually or in total) and to print material sheets.
This module analyzes and shows characteristic values (tensile strength, yield strength or proof stress values, creep strength values etc.) as well as the components physical properties, allowable stresses, allowable temperatures and life cycle parameters.
FEZEN can be used to perform lifetime calculations based on calculated stresses and the inter-/extrapolation of known lifetime values from the material database.
ASME- Material database
The PROBAD modules based on ASME-Codes (ASME Sect. I, ASME B31.1, ASME B31.3, ASME Sect. VIII.) are connected to an ASME material database containing allowable stresses and other data for approximately 14000 steels from ASME Sect. II Part D, ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3. User defined materials could be added and used throughout the calculation modules.
The ASME material database is revised permanently by SIGMA. Annual updates provide the latest strength values.
FEZEN information system for ASME materials
The PROBAD module "FEZEN information system" provides the interactive use of the material database and is even working independent of PROBAD calculation modules. The program is used to recall material properties (individually or in total) and to print material data sheets.
This module analyzes and shows characteristic values (tensile strength, yield strength or proof stress values, creep strength values etc.) as well as the components physical properties, allowable stresses, allowable temperatures and life cycle parameters.
FEZEN can be used to perform lifetime calculations based on calculated stresses and the inter-/extrapolation of known lifetime values from the material database.